
Innerleithen to Walkerburn via Caberston Forest and return.

A rewarding route, easy to navigate with great views and a good introduction to Tweed Valley gravel riding. This ride links well with other routes on the opposite side of the River Tweed eg Merida Switchbacks route.

We like… Views across to Lee Penn and the coffee stop at Caberston Café at Walkerburn.

Watch out for… The descent is long and fast – make sure your tyres are pumped up firmly to avoid pinch flats

Tree removal during weekdays so this route is currently open weekends only. Please obey signs and barriers.

  • Start/finish: Innerleithen High St
  • Distance: 14.5km
  • Elevation gain: 380m
  • Fitness Rating: 3/5
  • Technical Ability: Blue
  • Terrain: Forest roads and twin track. Firm ground rideable all year. Long steady climb average grade 6%
SKU: IG1 Categories: ,