
Start with a stunning warm up pedalling north up the affectionally named “Granites” road. At Heriot, the route then heads south along quiet rural lanes, running parallel with the Gala Water and the Borders Railway line before returning to Innerleithen along a quiet back road through the lower reaches of Elibank & Traquair Forest.

We like… Riding on nearly deserted tarmac for 60km with a variety of terrain. Good mid-ride stop at Stow. High points afford fabulous views over the surrounding area.

Watch out for… some corners in the Gala River Valley may have gravel on them from farm traffic and catch you off guard…be vigilant.

  • Distance: 60km
  • Elevation gain: 1100m
  • Fitness rating: 3/5
  • Terrain: Quiet rural roads One steady long climb and undulating minor roads.
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