
Leaving Peebles on a quiet back road you pass the Bear Gates of Traquair House on the way to Innerleithen before starting a long but steady climb up the Leithen Valley on what is locally known as ‘the Granites’ into the Moorfoot Hills. At the top there are fine views across Edinburgh to Arthurs Seat and the Pentland Hills. The journey continues to Gladhouse Reservoir before returning to Peebles passing the Polish map of Scotland.

We like… The steady climb up the stunning Leithen Valley is rewarded with views of Edinburgh and the Pentland Hills at the top , the road is virtually traffic free.

Watch out for… the Granites (B709) is an exposed stretch of road and in winter can be blocked by snow. The new cycle path on the opposite side of the road taking you back to Peebles (opened 2023).

  • Distance: 66km
  • Elevation gain: 970m
  • Fitness rating: 3/5
  • Terrain: Quiet tarmac roads passing through remote rural countryside. a very short 2km stretch on busy A703 before the cycle cycle path take you to Peebles.
SKU: PR2 Categories: ,